Thursday, October 30, 2008

Missing Kids

So has anyone out there watched Dora the Explorer just because you just wanted to do something you would do with your child if you were at home with them? No?(Me neither) Anyway as you can tell I am starting to really miss my children. I got to babysit Stetson (Emily and Michael's sweet little boy) yesterday and the little things he did made me think so much about my kids. I was really greatful to be able to watch him though, I owe Emily about a million hours of babysitting. I have gotten to feel like what it must be like to be a child this week I have minimal concerns this week and when I go out to do something I come back to my room and it is all clean my toilet is scrubbed my bed is made(yes I have not made my bed this week) and I have clean towels hung up. The funny part about it is I miss doing some of those things for my children(well maybe not the things I mentioned) but I do miss doing for my kids. When I get back they are going to hate me following them around but I think I just might do that. Being gone has given me some time to reflect on my parenting abilities or handicaps and I have put together a list of things I do well and things I really could work on and it is good to look inside every once in a while. The thing that I know is that I can't do it by myself my husband is key along with our faith that Heavenly Father is going to guide us through if we only ask for help. I am greatfull for my mom coming to take care of the kids they obviously are not missing me the same as I am they could care less about talking with me. Tonight will be the first time in a long time that I will miss the Halloween carnival so if you see my kids there take a pic for me and give them a hug.Well I guess my big aha moment this week is try hard to enjoy every day I know people have really been effected by Pres. Monsons talk about joy in the journey and I can tell you I am ready to get home and and start enjoying my journey a little more but for now I am going to finish enjoying my husband.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Away from home

So I decided to go away with Michael this week so we can have some time together before b-ball season starts and thankfully my mom was willing to come and take care of the kids wich makes the whole trip so much more fun and I don't have any worries accept maybe they won't want me to come back. I remember going and staying with my grandma and the first thing we would do is go to the store and get my favorite sugar cereal (which we never had as children) then we would get a new tooth brush I guess to go along with that cereal. Grandma would always get us a new coloring book (everyone knows it is so much more fun to color in a new book) and a new box of crayons. I loved going to my grandmas house and I miss her very much. I am so glad my kids have grandparents that love them and show them in so many ways that they love them and that they love the gospel. Life I am finding does as everyone has tried to tell me go by very quickly and we need to take the time to really enjoy what is right in front of us even though sometimes it is a pile of laundry and a sink full of dishes I gues we should be greatfull we have clothes to wash and food to make those dishes dirty. Have a great day and hug someone you normally don't see what happens.

Monday, October 27, 2008

New Blogger

So here is our first blog post. I am here at Emily Asay's house and she is trying to teach me how to do this whole blog thing so we used some pics. that she had of my kids.