Now Adam is really looking forward to going to kindergarten next Fall. He can't wait to be at school with his cousin Ben! Here he is on his last day of school. He got the best thinker award.
Together We Have It All
Just a few pictures I have taken this season. I hope to get many more. I am not so good at the action pictures but it is fun learning.
We went sledding on New Years day and it was so fun and sooooo cold. I have not been so grateful for gloves and warm clothes in a long time. I don’t know how the pioneers did it. I am pretty sure if I was without those things I would just lay down and wait to die.
On a more possitive note we had a blast and Michael got some great pictures!
Travis was a crazy man on the snow. I don’t know how many times he went up and down that hill but I am pretty sure it was more than anyone else.
These pictures are so go
od of Sarah. She had quite the Superman flight. But as you can see she got up with a smile.