I know I disappeared for quite some time but I am going to try a little harder to be a little better at blogging:) I got a new camera and that is sparking a whole new desire to take pictu

res and show them to people. We got to travel for Christmas for the first time in a long time and we went to my brothers in Colorado Springs. We went on a tour of the Air Force Academy. Most of the family didn't want to go originally(everyone accept Michael) but once we got there it was awesome and now Cannon wants to go to the academy for school. He saw the private golf course and that clinched it for him. The campus is

really large and very clean and I am sure when it isn't winter and brown it is beautiful. We watched a short video about life on campus and it seems hard yet amazing. I know that it takes an incredible effort to get into a college like that but it would be a great goal for Cannon to strive to achieve. It was interesting to watch his interest grow and grow as we went from place to place. The Simmons family has always had a fascination with flight and it looks like it is passing down generation to generation.
1 comment:
I'm glad you're back!
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