I don't know what is wrong with me but I have really procrastinated blogging our trip to Texas. I hope I have not forgotten anything I intended to write. Well we left for Texas on Friday,May 22nd the last day of school for our kids. They had a half day and we left as soon as they got home. When I really started to pack and prepare for our trip I must admit that as we got closer and closer to the day that we would actually spend two days in the car together I started to rethink the importance of traveling to see my parents. But in the end with the minivan loaded we headed out. We drove the first night to Colorado Springs about 9 hours from Cowley. We seemed to find every rain storm between here and there. We got to Colorado Springs about 10 and went straight to bed knowing we were going to have an early morning. I woke around 4:45 the next morning showered and cleaned the car up a little woke the rest of the family and off we went. We knew the second day was going to be the harder day we googled it and it estimated my parents house to be about 15 hours from Colorado Springs. Well we got there and really it wasn't that bad. I can't even think of any huge meltdowns but really with video games DVDs and MP3 players there really is a lot to distract kids in the car. Oh and I did have a huge bag full of snacks that we don't usually have mostly CANDY! The kids did great and we got to Nana and Papa's in record time total I think it took us 21.5 hours(Google said it would take 24 hours.) It was nice that the first day at my parents was Sunday so we just relaxed went to church and came home and relaxed some more. Monday we went to the San Antonio zoo.

It was Memorial day and there was a lot of people there Culture Shock I forgot th


there was that many people in the world(or at least in San Antonio.) The kids had a great time sweating their brains out and looking at all the animals.

Nana and Papa sprang for ice cream. There were so many people at the zoo we had to park really far away from the exit and it was a hot humid day and Adam was done walking so about 10 feet away from the car Adam gave up and decided he was going to stay on this nice patch of grass and go no farther.

We eventually all got back to the car and found our way back to Nana and Papa's. That night we went to an all you can eat pizza place and my boys definitely got there moneys worth. I think Cannon and Cole both ate 12 or 13 pieces of pizza! Monday night my sister and here 4 kids showed up and we got to meet Claudia and Angelica Kristy's foster daughters. They were great and all the kids had a great time together. Tuesday we went swimming and relaxed and rested up knowing that the next day we were heading to Sea World.

Wednesday at Sea World we had a blast. I think Cannon thought it was just going to b

e a glorified zoo and it was so much more than that and

Cannon was pleasantly surprised. Sea world has changed a lot from the last time we were there. They have roller coasters and water slides and many other attractions besides the animal shows. I loved the Shammu show Adam was just amazed that the people can swim with the whales. The kids sat in the soak zone and weren't to soaked but they got to see everything up close. At the very end of the day Cannon and Michael convinced me to go on this roller coaster that you strapped in to so your feet were hanging down and then it seemed as if we just spun in circles for about 10 minutes and all I wanted to do was get off and throw up! The ride made me sick for the rest of the night. When we stopped for dinner that night I couldn't even get out of the car. By the time we finally got home I was feeling better but I will never trust Cannon or Michael again when they say that the ride is not so bad(come to find out Michael bet Cannon a buck that he couldn't get me on the ride.Thursday we decided to rent a canoe and a kayak and spend some ti

me at a private lake that belongs to a friend or my parents.

We got there and the lake wasn't as full as it had been,the water was pretty scary looking. So we had lunch there and decided to go and find a good swimming spot along the Guad

eloupe River. It was so much fun. The cousins loved spending time together and they really enjoyed racing each other in the boats and flipping the canoe and chasing turtles. We were all sad when Kristy left on Friday. She had to get back so the girls could get ready for girls camp. We went to the movies on Friday Cannon played a little tennis with grandpa and we spent another relaxing day with Nana and papa. Saturday my twin sisters came to my mom's with their kids and we had a barbecue and played crochet and the kids played in the kiddie pool. The cousins did great together. It definitely got louder when we were around the younger girl cousins than when it was mostly boys. It was great fun but it made me feel sad that we don't all live a little closer so the cousins could see each other more. I hate that it takes a while for every one to warm up to each other because they just don't know each other very well. But I guess it is better than not seeing each other at all.

We left

on Sunday and we got home Monday early evening just in time for the boys to make it to baseball practice. The trip was great and the drive was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Adam the night we got home said the blessing on dinner and in his prayer he said"Heavenly Father thank you so much for letting us go to Texas it was so much fun because we got to eat so much candy in the car the whole time" so if you too want to have a successful trip any where according to Adam all you need is plenty of candy and you know what I think I agree.
I can't tell you how much fun I had with all of you. It was wonderful!! Next time will be even better. Dad and I are going to buy a canoe and we will know all the best spots. I loved seeing the pictures it brought back the memories of all the fun!
Looks like a fun time. I love spending time with family and I hate that my brothers are so far away. Their kids are growing up so fast!! I couldn't imagine my mom not living close, I know it's hard for you! Glad you got some quality time with them.
Great pictures Rachel! You did great on your blog, even if you did procrastinate posting it! :) Looks like lots of fun!
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