Friday, February 19, 2010


This is our new pet snake, Hugo. He is a Ball Python. Cole got him for Christmas. Hugo has been shedding and it took him about 3 weeks to finish. During shedding time you aren't supposed to feed your snake so we were very anxious for him to finish so we could feed him. The pet store reassured us that Hugo could go for months without food but being new snake owners we are just so nervous about everything. So Cole helped the shedding process along a little by wiping him down with a warm wash cloth and it helped all the extra skin to come off. We probably should have waited a day to feed Hugo because he had been handled so much that day but like I said we are new at this and we felt like we were starving our snake. So on Sunday night we fed him. Hugo wasn't as quick to eat as usual but he eventually couldn't resist and had a small meal of just two pinky mice(as seen hanging out of his mouth.) The boys love this part of having a snake and can't wait to watch him eat a live mouse. I don't know is that weird or just curious. The crazy thing is that I like watching the whole thing too. I don't know how I will feel when the creatures are alive. All in all owning a snake isn't so bad and Cole has been very responsible so far.

Nap Time

This is what happens when you stay up all night with friends. Cannon said he fell asleep for just a few minutes early in the morning at his friends house and his friend and his friends dad duct taped him to their couch. I thought only girls did things like that to the first girl to fall asleep at a birthday party. Cannon had a great time and thinks that his friends dad is so funny.
When Cannon got home he was quite grouchy so we all thought it would be a good idea for him to go to his room and watch a movie or just simply be away from us. Cannon plus no sleep equals one grumpy boy. I went in just a few minutes later and Cannon was sound asleep and I couldn't resist taking a few photos. I love my son so much and he is extra adorable when he is sleeping!

Let it Snow!

At the end of January we had a couple days of good snow and the kids played in it like crazy. Michael helped them build a fort and they would stay outside until they were all pink and frozen. Then they would come inside for a little hot chocolate let their clothes dry a little and head right back out to start the process all over again. It has been a great winter for the younger three. They have really become very best friends. Cole is such a great example of how to be a big brother and Travis just follows his lead with Adam. The only problem is I think Adam is getting a bit spoiled in the process because both Travis and Cole baby him a little too much. It is great to see my kids be such good friends.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Catch Up!

Wow I really thought I would catch up and really get moving with my blog but that obviously didn't happen. We had a great Christmas. Cole finally got his ball python he has been asking for for about 5 years now. To be perfectly honest it is really not as bad as I had imagined it to be. The feedings aren't that bad and there is relatively minimal work with a snake and Cole is in heaven.
Cannon turned 13 on the 30th of January and is now officially a teenager! He had some friends over for his birthday and stayed up all night watching PG-13 movies because we wouldn't let him watch them until he was 13. He had a great night and ate junk all night long. Now it is the constant question of can I watch this movie can I watch that movie? I am thinking there should be a new rating of PG-16 or something like it. There is such a wide range of what the industry calls PG-13. There are so many that I won't even watch so now it is preview everything. There are just some movies I don't want to watch but it is all in the name of love:)
The boys got there report cards right after they got back from Christmas vacation and they all did so well it was a great day in the Simmons house. Travis who has to work a little extra hard in school seems to be really catching on this year and it showed on his report card. I know he has had to work harder but I think it has helped him to develop better work ethic and he seems willing to put in the extra time. Cannon got to be in the regional spelling bee and he took 4th place over all. I wonder how well he could have done if he had studied his words even once?
We are heading for the home stretch of basketball. I looked at the schedule and there are only 2 more home games to be played in the Byron Gym and that just seems odd but wonderful. I can't wait until next year when the school will be just down the street and if my kids want to run home for something they can. It will be wonderful! Well that is us in a nut shell things are good around here. Life seems to be moving faster than I can keep up with but I am sure enjoying the boys and all their new discoveries.
By the way the lady with the boys is Grandma Scooter she is our neighbor and has become a very important person to the whole family! We all love her and we are all very grateful to have found each other and to have another person to have around to love and share experiences with.