This is our new pet snake, Hugo. He is a Ball Python. Cole got him for Christmas. Hugo has been shedding and it took him about 3 weeks to finish. During shedding time you aren't supposed to feed your snake so we were very anxious for him to finish so we could feed him. The pet sto

re reassured us that Hugo could go for months without food but being new snake owners we are just so nervous about everything. So Cole helped the shedding process along a little by wiping him down with a warm wash cloth and it helped all the extra skin to come off. We probably should have waited a day to feed Hugo because he had been handled so much that day but like I said we are new at this and we felt like we were starving our snake. So on Sunday night we fed him. Hugo wasn't as quick to eat as usual but he eventually couldn't resist and had a small meal of just two pinky mice(as seen hanging out of his mouth.) The boys love this part of having a snake and can't wait to watch him eat a live mouse. I don't know is that weird or just curious. The crazy thing is that I like watching the whole thing too. I don't know how I will feel when the creatures are alive. All in all owning a snake isn't so bad and Cole has been very responsible so far.
My boys are going to LOVE that snake when we come to visit! I'm pretty sure your house will be the cool house to visit!
I cant believe you have that! Im going to have nightmares for the next week just looking at that picture...
Wow, what a nice mom! Fun to see all the pictures!
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