Adam's snow angel .
My snow monster I mean angel.
We then had a very short lived snow ball fight. Adam didn't like it that I could hit him so many more times than he could hit me. You all know me no mercy! Unfortunately the snow was not quite wet enough for a snow man so we played follow the leader. I had to step in Adam's footsteps as I followed him. That is when I realized how many more steps it takes Adam to get somewhere than it takes me. I knew his stride was shorter than mine but wow he really does have to work hard to get from A to B. I think about how he had to climb up the mountain when we went sledding and it was hard for me and it had to be really hard for him! We then tried to take some pics together but that didn't turn out so good but here they are. Adam kept saying the sun was too br
ight and it was hurting his eyes.

Thank goodness for children that keep me young and having a bit of fun. We had a great afternoon Adam came inside had a little hot chocolate and feel asleep on my bed. I love being a mom! Life is good.

Thats so awesome that you took time out to spend with Adam, I'm sure he loved it.
We played follow the leader in the snow today!! It was so nice and can't beat a day out in the snow!!
Man you're such a great mom! I should have made a New Year's resolution to play with my kids more! I'm lucky these days if I make it out of bed before 10am!... Lame I know, but I'm always so stinkin' tired. Maybe later on in the year I will try to live up to your awesome example!
So cute! What a good mom!
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