Cannon woke up to me singing happy birthday to him. With a smile he got up hoping the day would turn out the way he hoped(us beating Thermop.) I try to make all their favorite meals on or around their birthday. So we started with Cannon's new favorite breakfast, Chocolate chip pancakes.

The rest of the fam elect to omit the chocolate chips but enjoy the meal all the same. We did gifts in the middle of breakfast because we knew the day would get ahead of us and we wouldn't be all together again that day until late that evening. I think Canno

n was thrilled with his gifts. He then went to school for a Friday half day. Cannon invited a friend to come home with him after school. Then around 2:30 the

basketball team came over and we had a BIG sandwich and cake. It was fun. Cannon loves to include the team in on his birthday. We then cleaned up and headed out to the games. First was the JV boys games and all went well and we killed them hoping this would be an omen for the rest of the night. The girls game was close but we just couldn't finish. Then the boys

game. We started a little rough but then pulled ourselves together and looked like we might repeat our victory from the year before. We fell to an eight point deficit after half but fought back and took a five point lead. Honestly at that point I thought the game was all but ours. Thermop took a time out with four minutes left and we fell apart. Unfortunately we never seemed to get back in the game and we lost. So most of Cannon's birthday wishes came true. We came home and played Cannon's new game and tried to forget the hard loss we had just endured. All in all Cannon had a great day.

On Saturday just Cannon and I headed to Powell for the basketball games. We first stopped at the Chinese food place,Cannon asked for sweet and sour chicken for his birthday and this was an easy way of appeasing him. We stuffed ourselves at the buffet and headed to the game. We didn't win but Cannon and I had a great night just being together. It is amazing how enjoyable the conversation was. I had a chance to let Cannon know how pleased I am with the choices he is making. We also discussed how sacred the priesthood is and it amazed me what he had to say and the knowledge he had already. I love him so much and am grateful for his influence in my life! It is a great day to be a mom!

Cannon received the Aaronic priesthood on Sunday. Joel came from Billings and Cannon got to be ordained by Michael before sacrament meeting. The bishop called him to the stand to be sustained and recognized for getting his faith in God award. He then got to pass the sacrament for the first time. Michael blessed the sacrament and Cannon passed and it was a great day! The priesthood is a blessing that will abound in our home over the years and I am excited to watch it come to pass.
What a great kid!! I bet he is glad to be in YM now. Dalton was saying he is just like Cannon--he has to wait it out when all the others his age move on. What a great weekend for him. Sounds like you made it a special time!!
hey cannon-maybe for your 13th birthday ill show you how to tie that tie. it will pay off for your 16th birthday. love ya buddy
I'm glad you realize what a terrific child (teen?) Cannon is. He's always held my heart for so many reasons, he is an example for so many beyond the boarders of your home. It's nice to have good kids and great moments in time with them...good job Rachel!
I cannot believe Cannon is 12! What a special birthday. The panckes look yummy! Cute family picture by the way.
Crazy how time flies! You have a handful of handsome young men/boys. I can't believe your oldest is 12! I keep thinking how weird it will be for my daugther to turn 11 and start middle school. Not quite ready for that but ready or not it's here! I'm sure you are raising wonderful YM. You are a great mom...your posts are so fun. I check every now and then, and I don't mind you checking ours! Have a great day-
I can't believe Cannon is REALLY 12! That is crazy! I guess if Pat is 13, that would make sense, but I can't believe Pat is that old either! Congrats Cannon!
Hey, i think I spotted my little brother in this post. Cute blog, cute family!
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