Are you all wondering why I have a picture of Travis with his shirt on backwards? Well this is how Travis looks every day when he comes out of his room after dressing himself(yes he is almost 7). Travis rarely ever puts his shirt on the right way the first time. I know it has nothing to do with his ability to dress himself it has every thing to do with the fact that Travis lacks the ability to stay focused on anything that isn't horses or cows. Almost every day either when he gets dressed in the morning or after his bath at night Travis will come out dressed with some or all of his clothing not assembled the way it is intended to be. Every time I mention to him that his shirt is backwards he always responds the same way "SO!"
This morning Travis was getting ready and was struggling to get his shirt on and when he came out of his room he was extremely frustrated that his clothing was not cooperating. Right away I could see the problem. First he had his undershirt on backwards and he was trying to put on a button up shirt but he was trying to shove his arm through the wrong hole while forcing the sleeve to go in-side-out. I really wanted to take his picture but he was far to flustered to then ask him to be still while I took his picture. I love my Trav he is always doing something funny with no intention of humor.

Now you can have a little laugh too.
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