I am going to try to get caught up on what is going on around here kid by kid. School started and things got busy real fast. Cole played soccer and had a great time finally being able to be on a team with his closest friend Brian. Next came little grizz football! Not just flag football but they got pads this year and played tackle.The funny side note about that was when school started we knew that football was going to be with pads and Cole was so excited. When Michael was going to give Cole his fathers blessing before school started he asked me if dad would mention doing well in football this year. He has never thought of getting a blessing for soccer so maybe I was wrong when I thought Cole was following after me and my passion for soccer. The football season went well and Cole had a great time. Cole and Brian were on opposite teams and Brian became Cole's nemesis. Every time I thought Cole was about to score a touch down Brian would come out of nowhere and tackle him and when you see the picture of the two of them and see how much smaller Brian is than Cole you will be even more impressed by Brian's ability. It was a good thing Cole loves Brian so much or I am sure there would have been a lot of complaints about that boy who kept tackle him.

Cole also ran for student body president and won. He is enjoying being part of the student counsel and coming up with new ideas to help improve the school. Cole also got an award at an assembly for speaking with a purpose. That means not using your words to hurt others and saying kind things to those around you.

It is a nice recognition I just wish he did the same at home:)

Cole turned 11 on November 6th. The time just seems to be flying by and I can't believe in a year he will be 12 and I will have two sons who can pass the sacrament. Cole requested for his birthday dinner to consist of potato pearls (which are dried potatoes), homemade rolls, and whatever meat I wanted to come up with oh and brown gravy. He likes that better than anything cake with the caramel in the cake and Skor candy bar on top. I love watching my kids grow and mature it just brings with it so much responsibility and I just don't know if I am doing enough.
Cole is a great student and has a lot of success in school. I love watching him get excited about a new subject. I hope his passion for learning always stays with him and he keeps up all the good work.

Cole was a nerd for Halloween. A pretty good one if I do say so myself.
Cole also got his arrow of light award last week. That is the highest award you can get when you are a cub scout. We worked on things this summer so he could accomplish all he had to do. We barely got it done just in the nick of time. At the pack meeting on Thurs. Cole received his award and we had a little ceremony for him. It was nice and instead of being the cub master that night I just got to be the mom.
The ceremony went well and most of the family was there for it. It is really nice having family around I know it makes the boys feel good when they come and support them.
yay for Cole!! He was the best nerd I've ever seen... :)
Hey look- my mom made your blog! :)
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