It is the great debate in our family Camping or the Lake? I would choose camping every time and Michael would choose the lake. So we try to compromise and do both. I feel like I get the short end of the stick sometimes because it is a lot easier to run to the lake for the afternoon than it is to get all packed up and head up the mountain. This year we got to go three times and it made me happy every time I got to go. Unfortunately the first time we headed up I went a day early and Michael came up with Cannon the following night and by the morning that Michael was there it was snowing. The weather never quit either and we had to c

ut our camping weekend short. The next weekend we went the weather was perfect. Todd and Emily came up and spent the night and the kids

had a great time together. I love being on the mountain because there are no distractions. All the technology and whatever else draws us apart when we are home together isn't on the mountain and my boys are forced to spend time with their good old mom and dad. We played a little game of baseball while on the mountain and it was a blast. We of course roast marshmallows morning noon a
nd night and just get good and dirty! The third time we went up it was for Labor Day weekend always our last trip before the snow comes and school and activities take over. We always go camping with the same families that weekend and we always have the best time together. We all plan our meals together play games and ride horses(which is the highlight of Travis' and my weekend!) I love being up on the mountain there is just something about the beauty of it all that just makes me so happy inside. There is nothing better than a weekend away with the kids and just having some slow mountain days. I don't especially love being dirty but all the other things that I get to experience while on the mountain is worth all the grime.
When people say you are closer to God on the mountain I agree. It is no excuse to miss church but I do feel a special spirit when I am camping. I just am grateful we have such a close beautiful place to do our camping at.
I feel the same way about the mountains. It's a great place to spend time!! Looks like you all had a great summer.
Motorcycles, camping, sailboats!! you guys are so fun with your boys!!
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