Tuesday, January 6, 2009


We went for a little sledding trip on the Big Horns with some of Michael's family. It takes about two hours to get to the spot we like to sled at and it is well worth the drive. All of the boys had such a great time. Even Michael and I took a trip or two down the hill. Michael went down once trying to stand up. I didn't get to see him but he claims he only fell twice. Unfortunately my camera died right after this picture was taken so I am hoping Emily will share some of the pics she took. Michael had the bright idea to get all of us (Michael, Rachel, Cannon, Cole, Travis, and Adam) on one sled and go down together. We all crammed on and down we went. I thought for sure we would wreck but we made it all the way down the hill(I laughed the whole way down.) We had a great Christmas break. The boys did their fare share of fighting but when we did something together as a family we had a wonderful time. I am so grateful for our family and our health and the opportunity we had to spend some quality time together. Michael was so helpful over the vacation and I think I fell deeper in love with him(maybe that is good considering I won't see him again until spring.) We had fun with friends and extended family also and are thankful for those who are willing to have our crazy boys around. By the way my arm is soar from playing the Wii. How sad is that?! Maybe with the boys in school I will get a little more time to "train" on the Wii to get into shape.haha I hope you all had a great holiday and Happy New Year.


Emily Asay said...

I'm glad u guys had so much fun!! :-) i bet if we tried to fit our whole fam in one sled it'd bust for sure!

The Simmons Six said...

Thanks Emily for the pics.

Brett and Desiree said...

I am so sorry that we missed this! It is a great place. I think I would have enjoyed it a bit more this time around. Being over 8 months pregnant last time made the hill a bit of a chore!