Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cannon Is 12!

Happy 12th Birthday Cannon
I can't believe this day has come! Cannon is 12 and has become such a wonderful young man and I am soooooo proud(but in a good way)of him. Cannon has taken on the role of oldest very seriously. He sees my need for help around the house(usually when my eyes are bulging out of my head and my hair is on fire) and always pitches in and tries hard to change his attitude and he always does more than his share. On the other hand while Michael is gone so much during basketball season he also tries to take on the role of father and you can just guess how the others, especially Cole, respond to this. Cannon really is trying to help but that is not how it ends up most of the time.
Cannon as a baby never had time to sit still long enough to hug me or give loves. The funny thing is as he has gotten older and started school he has become more affectionate(making up for lost time.) Cannon still will sit on my lap in public and every day when he leaves for school(mad or not) he yells out from the front door I LOVE YOU! Some mornings it impresses me soo much because maybe the morning did not go the way he wanted and I am pretty sure he doesn't like me much but he still makes a point of telling me he loves me. That is an attribute I think he got from his dad. And some day when he is a husband it will be a great strength.Cannon has always had a passion for sports. This year Cannon has been able to participate in middle school athletics and he has loved every minute of it. He got to first play football. It was a trying season but Cannon still worked hard and enjoyed time with friends. They didn't have the winningest season but Cannon found out how tough he was every single game. Next was basketball season which is his favorite sport(I wonder why?). Cannon was excited to finally get to play with his friends on a team together. In the past on rec teams they always seemed to get split up to keep the teams even. They did well together. Cannon got to play on the upper grade teams and got a lot of experience. Cannon is a hard worker and wants to win. I wonder where he got that competitive nature from?!

As you can tell I am extremely proud of the young man Cannon is becoming. He is leading the way for his brothers so well I couldn't ask for more(well maybe a little less fighting with siblings.)
With turning 12 Cannon will get to receive the priesthood. Wow that doesn't seem to be real. I remember turning 12 and thinking I was sooo old. I look at Cannon and I realize I was wrong. I hope we have taught him enough that he sees and understands the responsibility of the priesthood. I am sure we will have many family home evenings on the topic.

Happy Birthday bud. Keep up the good work.


Brad, Lisa and family said...

happy birthday Cannon! Love, Brad, Lisa, McKenna, Tatum, and Gabi

Fisher Family said...

Happy Birthday Cannon! Your family is so lucky to have you... glad to hear that you help your mom when she's just about to go CRAZY!! Maybe you can come visit us and help me from going crazy too! Hope you have a great day!
Love Us

Emily Asay said...

Happy birthday Cannon. Did gpa give u my card yet?? i hope you had a great day:) love you

Brenda said...

I hope that you had a grand birthday Cannon!