I thought I would share just a few of my favorite things or stories about Michael or the two of us. Michael is the peacemaker in our marriage. He is always the one who tries to initiate conversation to fix whatever argument we are in. He always tells me he loves me and is very affectionate. Michael tries very hard not to rock the boat and always makes me feel like his number 1. We love to kiss and hug in front of our boys just to get a reaction from them and it never fails they always say "Gross stop it." But I think they actually like seeing that their mom and dad still love each other.

Michael and I love sports and enjoy watching a good game of just about anything on the TV together. We definitely tested the strength of our marriage this last year while trying to remodel our house. I can say we had some good times and some bad times. We still have a bit to finish but things turned out well.
Some of my favorite memories of Michael are in the hospital after we have had each of our children. It is such a bonding time. I love looking over and watching Michael just stare in amazement at what we have just created. And then trying to come up with the perfect name for our new baby boy.
I am blessed to have so many men in my life . I am especially grateful for Michael and the man he tries to be. We are looking forward to the next 15 years and all the ups and downs that will come along the way. The best part is that we get to do it together. I love you honey. Happy anniversary!

Happy Anniversary Honey It's hard to believe that it's been 15 years. It just seems like time is flying. Dad and I will celebrate 40 yrs. this year. Hard to believe it's been that long. It's such a wonderful thing when you look at marriage from an eternal perspective. It makes the good times better and the hard times easier. I feel so blessed to have you in my life. You try so hard to do the things that you know to be right and I admire that quality in you. You work hard to make you home a place where the gospel is not only taught but lived. Congratulations again.
I love you
Happy Anniversary! We were married in the same year--didn't know that. Hope you have a great day and can do something fun together!!
well that was my favorite post so far. LOVE the pictures, I'm a little curious why Todd looks like he spent one too many hours in a tanning bed, but oh well. I remember your guys' wedding day was not only one of the happiest days of your lives, but mine too!! I was a sucker for weddings and thrilled to be getting such a beaituful, fun, "popular" :) sis in law. I love the part you shared about when you have your babies. Makes me want to cry because we found out today we'll probably get induced next Tuesday and I'm so excited/scared. Thanks for all you do.
Great post and great pictures. Isn't it fun to look back and smile at your thoughts and memories from those moments in time. By the way...I've missed you at 2 events this week and I'm missing my "Rachel fix". Hopefully we'll meet up at the games tonight!
Holy cow you guys are old!!! Just kidding... Congratulations on making it 15 years. You both look so young in your wedding pictures. Congrats and hope you got to do something fun!
Love the pictures! You guys do look young, but you are raising a beautiful family. I enjoy seeing your boys grow from afar. I'm glad you have stayed around...small towns have their good/bad! Congrats on the anniversary. Next month is our 11th...how time flies!
That was very sweet! You guys look so cute and young, but happy! No wonder you married Michael, he looks like one cool cat with that hair cut! :) You guys are great and fun to be around. Congratulations!
Love the pictures; what a beautiful bride:)! There really is nothing better than a great marriage--where you are both committed to each other and to your Heavenly Father. Your boys are so lucky know that their parents love each other--there is no greater
Lisa will never forget when at your reception Joel dropped his cake off of his plate and quickly picked it up and continued eating away. I guess being the last of 6 in the family you just never know when that second piece of cake might come around, so you definitely don't waste your first piece. Congrats - Brad
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