Here is the talk Cole gave in primary this Sunday. He wrote most of it on his own with a little help from me. It also tells the story of our weekend. The topic for his talk was Family members have special Responsibilities.
Heavenly Father provided us with a family. Sister Brost taught us last week that our earthly fathers are to preside, protect, and provide for the family.
Thursday we got out of school early. My brother, some friends and I were playing basketball on the tramp and having a great time. My brother went up to dunk the ball on the basketball hoop. As he came down I jumped up and tried to tip it out, and his teeth hit my head, which caused a three inch crack on the side of my head. I felt my head it was bleeding so I ran inside to find my mom. She looked at it and realized that the cut was bigger than the other times I had cracked my head open. So she called my dad and asked him to come home from work and look at it. When my dad saw the cut on my head he knew just what to do. He calmly cleaned the cut and with the help of my friends mom, Sister Winland, they closed the cut with super glue.Then they put bandages over it so it wouldn't open back up. My dad helped me rip those off this morning.
My dad always knows what to do and it makes me feel safe and protected. I'm grateful for my family.
Cole seems to be healing okay. He still has a bit of a headache and he has a pretty good bump on the side of his head. I think he will be fine. I too am grateful for Michael and his ability to stay calm and not panic. Life is never dull in a house full of boys.