Friday, October 23, 2009

Sails Away!

One night, this summer, Michael decided to take the boys out to the lake and sleep on the sailboat. Yes, we own a sailboat and it was an interesting summer to say the least. I have found out that I have a fear of the boat that doesn't make sense and the fear takes over and I get irrational and beg to just get back on solid ground. Anyway, Michael took the boys one night and I stayed home for a little peace and quiet. The weather here was great and so the fam headed out for a night of food and fun and I believe a movie on the boat. When Michael and the boys got to the lake the wind had picked up and when Michael tried to paddle his way out to the sailboat on our big tube he had a hard time fighting against the wind. Michael was about to give up and head back to the dock when a big gust of wind picked up and it blew him directly toward the sailboat. The boys all got aboard and they went back to the buoy the boat was tied up to and started to watch a movie. Unfortunately the computer was not fully charged so the boys ended up having an earlier bedtime than they had planned. As I had mentioned before the wind was really picking up and it rocked the boys right to sleep.
The next morning the family woke up to find that the big tube that was tied to the sailboat had gotten loose and was nowhere to be found. They had breakfast and decided to raise a small flag they had bought. When they tried to lower the flag it wouldn't come down. So first Michael tried raising Adam up the mast but Adam got too nervous and begged to come down. So up Travis went and retrieved the flag from way up the mast. It was a good thing I was not there because that flag would have stayed up there before I would be okay with any of my kids going up that mast! After breakfast and the excitement with the flag they boys all decided to go for a little sail around the lake to see if they could locate the inner tube. They looked for quite a long time with no luck when someone spotted something down one of the little coves. The sailboat was too big to go all the way into the cove so Michael sent Cole down in to retrieve the tube. He was successful but he had a bit of fear and was sure he heard the rattle of a snake.
They then took the boat out of the water and began the process of putting down the mast when yet another thing went wrong and something very important broke and luckily no one got hurt, accept the sailboat. They all finished what they had to do and got everything squared away and headed home.
After they all got back and showered and told me the tale of their weekend I asked them if it was even worth going and they all exclaimed that it was one of the best nights of their lives and that they would do it all again in a heartbeat. I guess you never know what will become a bonding moment. Family is great and I am thankful for a husband who is willing to sacrifice and spend what was probably not the most comfortable night with his boys and even though nothing seemed to go his way he still said it was one of the best times he has had with his kids! Thanks honey for all you do!

1 comment:

Adrienne and Ryan Mangus said...

WOW! What an adventure--definitely memorable!