I thought once baseball was over we would have a lot more time to go camping or spend time as a family but I was wrong. Right after baseball was finished Michael, Cannon, and Cole left for basketball camp at BYU. They had a great time. Cannon's team did really well and Cannon won a couple of the competitions. Cannon had a boy on his team whose dad played for the Utah Jazz. Cole on the other hand did not have as fruitful a team but had a good time being there just the same. Every night when the boys would call to check-in Cannon would go on and on about how well his team was doing and Cole would just say we lost every game. He was one of the better players on his team and he did like that. Cole has a great attitude about getting the most out of what he is doing instead of only focusing on whether or not he is winning.
The boys got home in the wee hours or the morning on Friday and on Monday Michael and Cannon left again this time to go to scout camp for the week. Michael is the scout master and it was nice that I knew Cannon couldn't get into too much trouble at camp because his dad would be there. Cannon had a great week he got a lot accomplished and he is now at the rank of first class. Another benefit of Michael being in the
scouting program is that he can keep Cannon right on track to earn his eagle and I won't have to do too much prodding. Michael had a good week also but could have slept for a week to make up for the hours missed during camp. Earlier in the summer Michael went to what is called wood badge. It is a week long training for scout leaders. They do some of the activities the scouts do and they do a bunch of team building. Michael was dreading going but when he got home he had many great stories to tell and his dad and brothers were there and I think they had a great week together.
To all you moms out there with more than one child that can walk and talk you will understand what I am about to say. The two weeks that the two older boys were gone first both to basketball camp and then they were separated one home and one to scout camp were two of the best weeks of my summer. There was not any fighting, the two younger boys don't really fight they get along so well(Travis has a lot to do with that he is so kind to Adam.) And there was no one walking by the other one touching him or pinching him just to see what kind of reaction he could get out of the other. It was so peaceful and the only thing that would have made it better was if Michael could have been here to enjoy the tranquility along with me. Well, my post is getting quite long so I will blog more later.
To all you moms out there with more than one child that can walk and talk you will understand what I am about to say. The two weeks that the two older boys were gone first both to basketball camp and then they were separated one home and one to scout camp were two of the best weeks of my summer. There was not any fighting, the two younger boys don't really fight they get along so well(Travis has a lot to do with that he is so kind to Adam.) And there was no one walking by the other one touching him or pinching him just to see what kind of reaction he could get out of the other. It was so peaceful and the only thing that would have made it better was if Michael could have been here to enjoy the tranquility along with me. Well, my post is getting quite long so I will blog more later.
great post--that is hilarious about cannon's byu summer camp team being so good and cole's...welll...not so good. :) he's a great sport!! love to you all! (bummer about cannon's game today, i really wanted to watch him play, we'll ahve to wait for bball)
So what you're saying is all I have to do is send two of my kids to mmm... maybe your mom, and I will have a peaceful house again!?
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