We decided that it was time to let someone have our dog Daisy. The boys never paid attention to her except when they had to feed her. We loved having a dog for the short time we had her but it is nice not to have her anymore.

We put an ad in the paper and a nice family decided to take her. I thought all the boys would be so excited to see her go considering when I asked Cole what we should do with her because it seemed no one wanted to feed or take care of her he said"we should take her out of town and leave her." I was wrong that no one would mind Daisy leaving. When it came time to start loading Daisy up into the car Travis started absolutely balling! He then was asked to go to his room if he couldn't control himself and Adam Cole and I went to go get the rest of Daisy's things. As we were putting Daisy into the family's car Travis was sitting in our large front window crying Daisy's name with such force I was a little embarrassed. It seemed as though I was giving away Travis' bosom pal. Which I wasn't! Just the night before Travis was complaining because it was his turn to feed Daisy. After we got all of Daisy's stuff in the car I asked Adam if he wanted to say goodbye and that was when Adam realized what was going on. Adam then started crying also and out ran Travis from the house SCREAMING for Daisy also. The scene as the nice lady who was taking our dog off our hands drove off was pretty pathetic. It took only moments though for the boys to get over it after they got back in the house. I am sorry the boys had such a hard time but boy is it nice not to have to fight with whoever is supposed to feed Daisy. So bye Daisy thanks for the memories and Good Luck wherever you are.

It's always hard to see them go.
awww..thats so sad. its crazy though that they weren't attached and then had such a hard time when she left...
You poor thing. I'm laughing right now, because you painted such a pathetic mental picture of it. I'm sure at the time you were like, "Oh yeah...mother of the year here!"
Then I loved how the boys just got over it as soon as the dog was gone.
I love dogs and all, but having one of your own is always way more work than it is worth.
But hey, that is just me.
I'm glad Shana laughed too, b/c you did paint a pretty good picture & though I was feeling so bad for the boys, I ended up laughing out loud:)!
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