Sunday, November 9, 2008

Try A Little Harder

Last night at the meeting for the adults at the stake center I really enjoyed all the talks given. The most memorable thing I heard was about the ten virgins and of course I had heard and read that parable but for some reason it really hit me hard. Am I going to be the one prepared or am I going to fall short? The other thing is do I really mean it when I say that the gospel is one of the most important things in my life and if I do mean it do my actions show that? Sometimes I think not. I am ready to break out of my comfort zone though. I am willing to sacrifice some things in my life now to prove to my Heavenly Father that the gospel is essential to me. I am hoping that with dedicating myself more fully some of the things I am struggling with right now will help to come into perspective and I will gain a little clarity. I know I tell my children I love the gospel but I am going to make sure they see that I love the Lord. I would like to bare my testimony of the things I do know Satan definitely knows my weaknesses and I seem to fall into the traps he sets for me often but I do try to get back up and try a little harder. I hope someday I will be able to look at some of my stumbling blocks and see them as my strengths. I know my trials are for my "good and learning" so I am going to try hard to do some serious learning.

1 comment:

Clay & Heather said...

Thanks for the thoughtful post. You're right, the adversary does know our weaknesses and exploits them. Don't get too down on yourself, though, because that's another one of his hopes. Have you ever read The Screwtape Letters?" Very interesting perspective . . . Also, here's a quote from Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life that you might find revealing:

“. . . Abraham was old, Jacob was insecure, Leah was unattractive, Joseph was abused, Moses stuttered, Gideon was poor, Samson was co-dependent, Rahab was immoral, David had an affair and all kinds of family problems, Elijah was suicidal, Jeremiah was depressed, Jonah was reluctant, Naomi was a widow, John the Baptist was eccentric to say the least, Peter was impulsive and hot-tempered, Martha worried a lot, the Samaritan woman had several failed marriages, Zacchaeus was unpopular, Thomas had doubts, Paul had poor health, and Timothy was timid. That is quite a variety of misfits, but God used each of them in his service. He will use you too if you stop making excuses.”

On another note, is that a part I see in Adam's hair? I think that's the first time I've ever seen one of your children with enough hair to make that possible!